TAYA - accuracy in spice

Vegan catering services

Learn more
table with several dishes outdoor


Kitchen and staff management
Assembling menus and consulting
Establishing a kitchen and cooking meals for small groups to large gatherings of over 200 people.
From one single meal to several days of staying on site
Catering of prepared food
Cooking in workshops, trips, festivals and other events

salad with topics



"Taya" is a vegan catering service.
The top value is about using unprocessed ingredients.

Processed food is, for example:
White sugar - a refined carbohydrate, which is widely used in restaurants, factories, and even in home
cooking, disrupts the balance of blood sugar level and opens the door to countless diseases.
Lots of spices and sauces in the supermarket contain white sugar.
White flour - undergoes coarse processing. Essential for proper digestion fiber has been removed.
Oil - processed, refined food. Disrupts many processes in the body and causes a great deal of illness
when consumed in high amounts (in the common Western diet - found in very high amounts)

friends eating outdoor with leaves instead of plates


i prefer:
Instead of refined sugar - dates, instead of processed flours - a variety of other carbohydrates, whole foods.
Vegetables and fruits are perfect packages that contain all the water, fiber and minerals that nature knows how to provide.
Instead of oil - ingredients with a rich taste, so there is no real need for frying with oil.
Salad sauces and dips are best prepared with nuts rather than oil.
And if we leave aside the "processed" category for a moment -
I prefer easily digestible food. For example: instead of hard legumes like red beans,
I prefer to use sprouted green lentils. The germination process uses some of the starch,
thus increasing the amount of fiber relatively, which then eases the digestion process.

table with food on table and great view


Disposable equipment and serving plates - The dishes and tools in my possession have been made
koser and since then only vegan food has been cooked in them.
In order to encourage reusable dishes, I do not use disposable one’s at all.
In order to avoid innumerable plastic packages, I buy big amounts of food in big sacks.
In order to prevent food waste and encourage the use of “dumpster-diving” food, I find and save food
myself from many businesses around the country, and collaborate with organizations and people who
find and save and redistribute food as well.

Taya working in outdoor kitchen
Hummus dish withe tomatoes and olives on the side


How did it all begin? (Taya's personal story)

In Taya's mom's kitchen, of course.
The food I ate as a child was greatly influenced by Russian culture, which contains many animal products.
In addition, in my family, children were allowed to eat processed foods,
occasionally (and by “occasionally” I mean - sometimes every single day).
This diet caused me illnesses and during adolescence I fought the symptoms with great difficulty.
I thought, as the doctors told me - pills and other drugs are the solution.
No doctor has bothered to point out that my body can be cured through diet.
Through balancing the ratio of the various food components, and cleansing the
body of substances that obscure its ability to cope with disease.
Only after years of doctors and suffering, did I explore in other directions
and discover the esoteric secrets; I experimented with healthy cooking,
first without sugar and oils, and then fruits and vegetables in their raw form only.
When most of my diet was ripe and wonderful fruit - I recovered.
I wanted to both be healthy and enjoy creativity at meals.
I discovered that there are a variety of approaches to veganism,
and was experimenting for over a year with raw-veganism - in this diet
you only eat what has not been heated above 42 degrees celsius
(the temperature at which the protein undergoes denaturation [destruction] and thus the food quality is impaired).
My diet got more and more accurate over the years, and today I am both healthy and a cook.

Taya in her moms kitchen


North of Israel

